Cheetah Outreach

Cheetah Outreach

Somerset West

Ensuring the survival of free-ranging cheetahs in their native habitat.

Learn about the beauty and vital conservation efforts of the Southern African Cheetah at The Cheetah Outreach in Somerset West. Our vision is clear: to ensure the survival of free-ranging cheetahs in their native habitat.

As an educational and conservation-based facility, we partner with cheetah Ambassadors to offer a unique personal experience, raising awareness and ensuring the financial sustainability of our conservation program. With approximately 500 free-ranging cheetahs living on unprotected farmlands in South Africa, our work is crucial in preserving this iconic species.

Beyond our facility, we collaborate with local communities in cheetah territory, developing initiatives to reduce human-wildlife conflict. Visitors can witness a diverse array of African wildlife, including cheetahs, caracals, meerkats, and more.

Our Animals:

  • Cheetah
  • Caracal
  • Leopard Tortoise
  • Bat-eared Fox
  • Black-backed Jackal
  • Serval
  • Meerkat

Our Activities:

  • Walk-through tours
  • Adult cheetah encounters
  • Special cheetah experiences
  • VIP private encounters
  • Feeding tours
  • Professional photoshoots

Join us in our mission to protect, educate and preserve the Southern African Cheetah for generations to come.

082 872 4007

Contact Cheetah Outreach
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